Synthetic Mineral, Non~Metallic Material & Free of Silica and Beryllium Dust;- Steel & Iron Slag.
What is Premier Sharpshot Abrasive®?
Premier Sharpshot Abrasive® (Marketing Trademark) is type of synthetic Iron Slag & Steel Slag which is new developed environment-friendly product from waste. PSA came with stable molecular structure from molten slag generated a steelmaking process at steel melting plants through Slag Granulating Technology (SGT). Premier Sharpshot Abrasive® formed in granular or powder phased substance with high solidity used for gliding work. It is an environment friendly media and confirmed by Ministry of Environment and Department Of Safety & Health of Malaysia, R.O. Korea, R.O. India, Vietnam, Philippine, Saudi Arab, R.O. China & etc. In this material solidity, toughness, granular shape, angular shape, sub-angular shape and granularity are important properties.
What is Iron (Fe) Slag?
Iron (Fe) Slag is the noble product of steel plant manufacturing through atomizing process. EKF named it Premier, since it converted from valueless waste into new born media with highest value added. It is an environment friendly media and confirmed by Ministry of Environment and Department Of Safety & Health of Malaysia, R.O. Korea, R.O. India, Vietnam, Philippine, Saudi Arab, R.O. China & etc. Hardness is usually indicated in Mohs & HV scale. Naturally the hardness of this blasting abrasive material is higher than other types of blasting abrasive material. Toughness has no proper indication but in different minerals or even different phase of the same kind of mineral their toughness could differ. Also granular shape will largely affect blasting performance and the problem in which granule is mono-crystalline or crystal texture is important to that. Granularity usually could be leveled with screening. The reason why Iron Slag is being used as blasting abrasive material with excellence is because of properties above mentioned. Iron Slag (Shot/ BaLL & Grit Types) with solid structure like gem (Spinel – Spinel structure) has high solidity (6.0~7.0) and spherical shape. In manufacturing process granularity could be adjust homogeneously and the price is also low.
Generally blasting material could be largely classified by two types of Shot/ Ball-type and Grit-type. The selection should be made according to Blasting Machine and Iron Slag (Ball & Grit) is round & irregular mixed type.
Information sourced from US Slag Association
Iron Slag (Shot/ Ball & Grit) Formed by Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Method

Why Premier Sharpshot Abrasive® (Iron Slag) Can Be Used As Blasting Abrasive?
- Steel Slag or Iron Slag do not contain Free of Silica Dust (Non Toxic – < 0.005mm) with approval from DOSH Malaysia, Ref. Number. JKKP HIE 127/12/5-24/08.
- Radioactivity – undetected: Ra – 226 Gamma – Spectrometry < 10 Bq/kg.
- Chloride Content < 10 ppm (ISO 8502-10) and below 25 ppm (ISO 11127-7) with approval Ref. Number. Lab Certificate Number. MC/07-09/031 and third party laboratory test Ref. Number. CSEA2007/18-631 & MC-EKFI-0002/17/ with Ref. Number. 06J0538.
- Premier Sharpshot Abrasive® (Shot/ Ball or Grit) Types, Steel Slag or Iron Slag been approved by Petronas, Malaysia Coating and Lining Technical Committee (PTS with Ref. Number. PCLTC/08/AB/AL001R2 to use as blasting abrasive for onshore & offshore construct and maintenance purposes.
- Conductivity < 100 μS/cm (μmhos/cm) or <10mS/m according to ASTM D 4940 Standard.
- Steel Slag or Iron Slag has been supplied about 10,000 MTs in Malaysia, 30,000 MTs to Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) and about 25,000 metric ton to Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) in 2007.
- Confirmed and Accepted by major protective coatings manufacturers eg. Carboline Protective Coatings (A Fortune 300 Company) for use with Carboline Tank Lining Products.
- Dust Level – Low (Rating 1) ISO 8502-3 with Ref. Number: PCLTC/08/AB/AL001R2.
- Oxidation or Rust-back > 24 hours with Ref. Number. PTS30.48.0031P.
- Steel Slag or Iron Slag is not categorized under schedule waste according to DOE of Malaysia Ref. Number. AS 91/110/619/130 Jld.3 (28).
- Steel Slag or Iron Slag has obtained Approval and Qualified from Federal Subsidiary Legislation of Malaysia – Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127) P.U. (A) 280/78 Incorporating latest amendments- P.U. (A) 309/2000 (PART V)- Air Impurities Regulation 30.

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What is DOE and DOSH stand from?
- DOE Stand from DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL, MALAYSIA or Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Malaysia.
- DOSH stand from DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY & HEALTH, MALAYSIA or Jabatan Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerja, Malaysia.
Free of Silica Dust & The Synthetic Non~Metallic Material;- Premier Sharpshot Abrasive® (Shot/ Ball &Grit).
Sesi Soal & Jawap bersama DOSH, Malaysia
Rujukan DOSH, Malaysia : JKKP HIE 127/12/5-24/08.
Adakah pihak ketiga didapati bersalah dari segi undang-undang DOSH kerana menggunakan surat kelulusan RZF Sharpshoot Sdn Bhd & ENG KEN FUI demi “mis-leading” pengguna-pengguna lain?
Untuk pengetahuan tuan, pihak DOSH hanya meluluskan permohonan bagi kelulusan penggunaan proses pembagasan pasir berdasarkan Peraturan 5,(Habuk Galian)1989. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab pengguna yang menggunakan proses pembagasan pasir untuk melapor dan mendapatkan kelulusan penggunaan terlebih dahulu dari Ketua Pemeriksa (Ketua Pengarah DOSH) sebelum proses pembagasan pasir tersebut dijalankan.
Berbalik kepada taksiran pembagasan pasir itu sendiri dinyatakan terkandungnya media/bahan kimia silika berhablur bebas (crystalline free silica) dimana meliputi kuarza, kristobalit dan tridimit. Berdasarkan permohonan dari syarikat tuan, pihak DOSH mendapati media yang digunakan adalah IRON SLAG ~ PS Ball dimana tidak terkandungnya silika berhablur bebas. Walaubagaimanapun, pihak tuan adalah tertakluk kepada perkara – perkara berikut:
- a) Mematuhi Seksyen 15, Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan, 1994 untuk memastikan setakat yang praktik, keselamatan, kesihatan dan kebajikan pekerja-pekerja tuan yang mengendalikan proses/jentera tersebut.
- b) Memohon kelulusan dari Ketua Pengarah Jabatan ini jika pihak tuan menukar media pembagasan kepada bahan lain seperti yang dinyatakan di Jadual (Peraturan 2) Senarai Galian di bawah Peraturan- Peraturan Kilang dan Jentera (Habuk Galian) 1989.
- c) Mematuhi peraturan-peraturan lain yang terkandung dalam peraturan-peraturan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan(Penggunaan & Standard Pendedahan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya kepada Kesihatan 2000).
- d) Mendapatkan kebenaran memasang dan mengendalikan jentera pembagasan tersebut dan lain-lain jentera berkaitan daripada Pengarah, Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan di negeri tuan.
Pihak DOSH memproses permohonan kelulusan berdasarkan kepada syarikat/pemohon yang menggunakan proses pembagasan pasir. Setiap syarikat perlu mengemukakan sendiri yakni mendapatkan kelulusan proses pembagasan pasir secara persendirian. Ini bertujuan mengawal cara/kaedah penggunaan proses pembagasan dan dari segi kawalan terhadap factor keselamatan, kesihatan dan kebajikan pekerja yang menjalankan proses tersebut. Adalah salah di sisi undang-undang sekiranya pihak lain menggunakan surat kelulusan syarikat yang telah diluluskan sedangkan pihak DOSH tidak pernah mengakses/ memeriksa proses yang dijalankan tersebut.
Adakah pihak pengguna -“End User” juga bertanggungjawab atas sikap mereka yang tidak mengambil berat ke atas dokumen tersebut kerana membeli dengan pihak ketiga yang tidak mematuhi peraturan pihak DOSH?
Untuk pengetahuan pihak tuan, pihak DOSH memproses permohonan berdasarkan proses pembagasan pasir yang dijalankan secara nyata. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab pengguna untuk memohon dengan mengemukakan beberapa dokumen sebelum permohonan lengkap di proses. Pihak DOSH tidak memberi kelulusan berdasarkan faktor bisnes atau kepentingan peribadi. Secara amnya, pengguna tersebut boleh menggunakan mana-mana media yang diperlukan tetapi proses pembagasan pasir tersebut perlu diluluskan oleh pihak DOSH sebelum boleh dijalankan.
Selain daripada dokumen tersebut, adakah dokumen-dokumen yang lain juga diperlukan untuk menyokong kelulusan tersebut tadi atau masa depan?
Seperti yang dimaklumkan dari awal tadi, kelulusan yang diberikan atas tertakluk kepada proses pembagasan pasir yang dijalankan secara nyata. Dengan itu, hanya surat kelulusan sahaja yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak DOSH dan kawalan dari segi pemantauan akan di lakukan oleh pegawai DOSH dari masa ke semasa bagi memastikan pengguna sentiasa mematuhi keperluan/perundangan yang ditetapkan.
Sebarang makluman lanjut, pihak tuan boleh hubungi
En.Yurizman Jamil
Bahagian Higien Industri & Ergonomik
Tel: +603 8886 5085 Fax: +603 8890 1315
Level 1, 3, 4 & 5 Block D4, Complex D,
Federal Government Administrative Centre, 62530 Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Tel: +603 8000 8000 | Fax: +603 8889 2443

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Health Effects By Mineral Blasting Abrasive With Crystallize Structure Formed.
Silica Dust and Silicosis
Source: (Australia’s Worker Health Centre) & (USA)
What is Silica Dust?
Silica is the main component in sand and in rocks like sandstone and granite. Many workplaces are not aware that common building products such as clay bricks, concrete, tiles and fibrous cement products contain silica. Silica dust is usually created when such building products, sandstone or rocks are cut, drilled or worked on in a way that creates fine particles of silica in the air. It is breathing in this crystalline form of silica that causes silicosis.
Whose health will be affected?
Silicosis is not a naturally occurring disease. Its development is directly associated with workplace exposure to silica dust. Workers who are most at risk include those engaged in tunneling and excavation work, road building, demolition work and explosive blasting work, as well as those in slate, granite cutting and glass manufacturing industries, brick making and some manufacturing processes.
How Health Effects by Silica Dust?
Initial exposure to silica dust will cause irritation of the eyes, nose and throat like most other dusts. However, if excessive amounts of silica dust are breathed into the lungs over a period of time, it can cause damage to the lung tissue. Other than some breathlessness during exercise, the disease can remain free of symptoms for 10-20 years after exposure.
The most common form of silicosis develops after long exposure to relatively low concentrations. Once the disease has begun, it will continue to progress even if the worker is removed from further exposure. There is no medical treatment for silicosis. People with silicosis are also at greater risk of developing lung cancer. In 1996 the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified crystalline silica dust as a human carcinogen (Group 1).
The size of the silica particles is important in causing the disease. Larger particles are usually prevented from reaching the lung’s small air sacs, it is the smaller particles (less than five thousandths of a millimeter) that are the most dangerous.
The development of Silicosis depends on a number of factors including:
- the amount and kind of dust inhaled.
- the percentage of FREE SILICA in the dust.
- the form of silica.
- the size of the silica particles.
- the duration of exposure.
- the individual’s natural body resistance.
- the presence or absence of complicating factors (such as infection).
How is the disease detected?
Silicosis is difficult to detect in its early stages because of the absence of symptoms. Frequent dry coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and increasing tiredness are possible early indicators.
There are three main methods of diagnosis:
- Chest X-Ray are the most reliable and the earliest means of detection. An x-ray can show the presence of fibrous tissue.
- Work History is particularly useful in differentiating silicosis from other dust related diseases with similar symptoms and formation, such as asbestosis.
- Lung Function Tests performed using a pyrometer, assess the performance of the lungs.
How to control Silica Dust at work?
The only effective protection against silicosis is to prevent silica dust in the air. Under their obligations in the NSW Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, employers must take measures to ensure that workers are not exposed to silica dust. There a number of simple control measures that can be taken.
Where possible, less toxic substances should be substituted for silica sand:
- Olivine and zircon sand should be used in moulds and cores in foundries.
- Metallic and Non Metallic formed Slag products should be used as Blasting Abrasive (It is now in worldwide that is illegal to use Sea Sand, River Sand, Mining Sand or other Crystallized Structures media as blasting abrasive) due to Silica Dust.
- Alumina should be substituted for flint in china placing in pottery.
- In some building work, silica dust problems can be eliminated by using Pre-built or Pre-cast materials for plumbing and wiring.
Engineering Controls
Tools causing dust for example grinders and saws should be fitted with dust extraction devices. Where possible, dusty processes should be fully enclosed and have an exhaust hood attached. Where this is not possible a local ventilation system should be in place with hoses as close as possible to the head of cutting tools. Use tools fitted with a water attachment to suppress dust for example on power saws, jack picks and scabbing picks. Spraying with water in processes such as grinding or drilling can reduce the amount of dust by as much as 75%.
An American study of foundries showed that overexposure to silica dust resulted from poorly designed and/or poorly maintained ventilation systems.
- Substitution
Regular vacuuming and wet sweeping of floors and machinery to remove settled dust is particularly important to stop dust being kicked back into the air. Work clothing should be vacuumed before removal. Under no circumstances should dry sweeping take place in areas where silica dust could be present.
Posters and signs warning of the presence of free silica should be prominently displayed.
Respiratory Protective Equipment
This should be looked at as a last resort when all other preventative solutions possible have been put in place. Respiratory Protective Equipment can vary from a simple disposable mask to a full respirator supplying clean air for particularly high concentrations of dust.
In all cases, the equipment should fit properly and be regularly cleaned and checked. Dust masks are unsuitable for use with a beard, and in these cases, an air supplied respirator with a hood or a helmet and visor should be used.
All these preventive measures should not be looked at in isolation but in combination with each other. It is very important that workers potentially exposed to silica dust have a chest x-ray every two years, to allow for early diagnosis.
Dust levels in the air should be monitored by a competent person. The exposure limit for silica dust (reparable quartz) is 0.1 mg/m³. However, exposure levels in settings like construction sites are highly variable and air sampling alone is not enough to indicate the health risks from airborne silica dust.

Basic Requirement For Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

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