Premier Sharpshot Abrasive®(PSA), Shot/ BaLL Type and Grit Type, The Fully Synthetic, Non-Metallic & Worldwide Recognized Safer & Green Labeled Eco-Friendly Product.

The Spinel-Spinel Strong Bonding Cell Structure in Premier Sharpshot Abrasive (PSA)

Jumbo Load Testing before proceed for image printing, Vietnam.

PSA Grit Type
PSA Grit Type x 400 times Zoom In
Production & Dry Blasting Performance of Premier Sharpshot Abrasive
Premier Sharpshot Abrasive (PSA) GRIT Shipment Label
PSA Grit Type
Monitoring by Third Parties Laboratories Chemist
Certification & Confirmation of Union Laboratory to STANDARD MALAYSIA
ISO 11127-7 Test Procedure by Union Laboratory
EPA Method 9253 Chloride (Titrimetric, Silver Nitrate) Test Procedure
Tests according to USEPA 9253, ISO 1419 & ISO 11127-6
Monitoring by Third Parties Laboratories Chemist

Fabrication Division;- Heavy Supporting System For Blasting Maintenance Works

Dust-Off Sandblasting Abrasive Vacuum Recovery System