Applications of Premier Sharpshot Abrasive®, The Green Abrasives~PSA Sharpshot (BaLL) & PSA Grit
Premier Sharpshot Abrasive® (PSA Sharpshot (BaLL) & PSA Grit Types), The Synthetic Mineral, Non-Metallic Industrial By-product, Worldwide Recognized Safe and Green Labeled Qualifier Eco~Friendly Building Material.
Shipbuilding & Maintenance Industry
Cargo Vessel Repairing Industries
Vessel Anchor Winch Fabrication Industry
PipeLine Fabrication/ Manufacturing Industry
Container Fabrication and Maintenance Industry
Steel Mechanical Engineering Fabrication IndustryMega Steel Structural Factory Construction Mega Steel Structural Factory Construction Recondition Main Structure of Trailer or Truck
Precast Concrete Weight Material
Roof Top Leakage Repairing With Water Resistant Treatment.Jogging & Bicycle Track Anti-Slip Material
Premier Sharpshot Abrasive (PSA) Grit Type
Premier Sharpshot Abrasive® (Shot/ Ball & Grit Types), the Synthetic, Non-Metallic & Green Labeled Eco Friendly Product.
As Blasting Abrasive, Waste-Water Treatment Plant Filter Media, Asphalt Concrete, Polymer Concrete, Reinforcement Material, Weight Material, Non-Slip Material and Etc.
Premier Sharpshot Abrasive® (Shot/ Ball & Grit Types), The Recycle, Reuse & Reduce Worldwide Recognized Safe and Green Labeled Eco~Friendly Building Material.
Rough Flow Chart of Slag Atomizing Technology (SAT)
Specify Terms;-
*** SGT – Slag Granulating Technology
*** SGP – Slag Granulating Plant
*** EAF – Electric Arch Furnace
*** BOF – Basic Oxygen Furnace
Surface Profiles Achievement & Analysis after dry abrasive blasting by Shot/Ball (Round & Regular Shape) & Grit (Angular Shape)
Blasting Abrasive Iron Granular in Round & Irregular Shapes- (Shot/ Ball Type)